5 Minute Soup for Weight Loss and Healthy Digestion!
When digestion is a little slow or agni (digestive fire) is weak (bloating, gas, foggy mind, lethargy) or you would like to lose weight eat a blended soup for dinner. The best time for dinner is just before sunset. After the sun sets Agni (digestive fire) is low and it's harder for the body to digest…

Start Your Digestion Off Right!
Whether you consider yourself to be a “morning person” or not, there are still ways to support your body, which will bring lasting and impactful results to the rest of your day. Breakfast is a BIG part of this.

The Feel Good Treatment That Keeps on Giving!
What the world needs now are open channels! In Ayurveda the channels that deliver nourishment and energy to our cells as well as eliminate toxins are called Shrotas. When our Shrotas are open we feel light, happy, energetic and best of all receive the benefits of a healthy immune system.

Make a CCF Tea Belly instead of a Beer Belly!
During the Holidays we can end up eating a great deal of heavy foods, over eating, poor food combining, eating late at night and drinking a lot of alcohol which will compromise digestion causing things like gas, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, fatigue and foggy mind to name a few symptoms.