Weight Loss and Toxin Burning Soup for Spring!
When Agni (digestive fire) is weak and you’re feeling sluggish or you would like to lose weight, eat a blended soup for dinner before sunset. Here is a simple recipe with ingredients that help with detoxification. Once you make it a couple of times you’ll become a soup master!
Ingredients: Serves 1-2
1-2 cups of asparagus and daikon. Always use ¼ cup daikon. (buy a smaller thin daikon rather than a larger one) *always use organic
Use ½ teaspoon Garcinia Masala*.
2-4 tablespoons of Kulthi Detox Protein Powder (easily digestible protein).
1-2 cups of purified water. (more water for thinner soup.)
Salt (celtic salt), pepper to taste.
1-2 teaspoons of cultured ghee. (2 Brother’s)
Roughly chop the veggies.
Add veggies and water to a pan and saute.
Cook until they are fairly soft.
Add spices and ghee.
Pour into the blender. (Be careful when blending hot liquids. I always cover it with a towel while it’s blending.)
Pour into bowls and serve!
Add salt and pepper to taste.
* Garcinia is a super fruit used for centuries for healthy weight loss and weight management. In recent years, this fruit has been popularized for its use as an ingredient in weight loss products across the globe.
Pure Garcinia contains a natural compound shown to support the natural fat-burning process called HCA, hydroxycitric acid.
HCA supports healthy energy production and metabolic function which can help curb appetite. It’s also shown to help curb emotional or habit-related food cravings.
During normal meal time, this appetite-suppressing extract acts as a digestive supplement, supporting the healthy breakdown of foods for greater energy distribution throughout the body.
Unlike other weight loss supplements, Garcinia is a non-stimulating, plant-based, and caffeine-free alternative free from artificial additives, fillers, and chemicals.
To sample this soup, enjoy a Spring Inspired Yoga Class with incredible yoga teacher Krissy Harb, and to learn more about how to transition the body from Winter to Spring using Ayurvedic wisdom please join our workshop, on March 16th. More information and sign up HERE.