herbal paste lymphatic massage
Abhyanga | Shirodhara | Choorna Pinda Sweda | Udvartana | Basti | Other Services
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*Steam is not recommended for those with high blood pressure .
*Includes an herbal foot soak, herbal tea to assist detoxification, herbal nasal/lung inhalation, and an Ayurvedic to-go meal to enjoy for lunch or dinner.
Paired with Sweda, an herbal steam therapy, this invigorating full body massage uses a paste to cleanse the skin, improve circulation, and help weight loss. It is particularly good for skin care as its powerful exfoliating effect magically conditions the skin. The paste is made with various organic grains, flours, herbs and oils and applied with upward strokes. Udvartana helps to eliminate lymphatic toxins out of the body and also improves sluggish circulation and digestion. It increases the metabolic rate of the body and activates the lymph. Udvartana tones and exfoliates the skin, reduces fat tissue and weight, makes the skin radiant and glowing and improves skin complexion. It removes bad body odor and toxins, and cleanses the skin.
Additional Benefits
Helpful in calming the Kapha dosha
Reduces the excess fat accumulated in the skin
Strengthens the muscles by toning them and exfoliates the dead cells in the skin.
Improves blood circulation which leads to reduction in cholesterol and helps in achieving a good rate of metabolism.
The joints become more flexible
Eliminates body odour
Also beneficial in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis as it reduces Kapha and Ama.
Benefits of Herbal Steam Therapy:
Clears lymphatic stagnation
Induces mild sweat
Opens pores allowing medicinal oils to enter into deeper tissues. Releases toxins from blood and skin
Helps with Kapha weight loss & Vata hydration
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