Choorna Pinda Sweda

Hot herbal bolus rubbed into muscles during Abyhanga massage

 Abhyanga | Shirodhara | Choorna Pinda Sweda | Udvartana | Basti | Other Services

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An Ayurvedic Therapy for restoring strength and vigor which is done throughout Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage) and consists of rubbing warm boluses (prepared with dry herbs and flours) over your entire body using specific strokes. It improves blood circulation and muscle tone, strengthens digestion and restores vigor to all your bodily tissues.

Choorna Pinda Sweda is beneficial in degenerative conditions and can help the body rebuild muscular tissues. Done in a series, it is traditionally used for many neurological and neuromuscular disorders, including MS, Parkinson's, as well as many serious imbalances, and to promote vitality and longevity. Choorna Pinda Sweda is recommended to preserve health and delay aging.

Recommended For

  • Rheumatoid arthritis (please book a consultation first if you have RA)

  • Swelling

  • Muscular spasm

  • Cervical spondylitis

  • Lumbar spondylitis

Additional Benefits

  • Helps to reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness of the muscles

  • It strengthens and rejuvenates the bones, muscles and nerves

  • Strengthens the tissues

  • Increases the circulation

  • Provides colour and complexion to the skin

  • Induces good sleep and reduces stress


"Rheese is a true healer on every level. I am a psychologist and highly sensitive person who has seen many body workers in my 44 years before finding Rheese. I leave our sessions with a regulated nervous system. Her energy is so positive and she attunes instinctively to what is needed. She is incredibly knowledgable about Ayurveda-- she is the real deal and provides her services based on an enormous amount of training and experience. She still loves learning and takes additional courses well beyond what is required because she is passionate about it. I also love the space she has created, and the beautiful drive to her is healing unto itself. I cannot recommend her more highly!”

- Jennie G.

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