Make a CCF Tea Belly instead of a Beer Belly!

During the Holidays we can end up eating a great deal of heavy foods, over eating, poor food combining, eating late at night and drinking a lot of alcohol which will compromise digestion causing things like gas, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, fatigue and foggy mind to name a few symptoms. CCF tea can be a lifesaver! Instead of other tea, drinks and even plain water you can drink this all day long. 

When it comes to your digestive system, this tea is a game changer. A combination of three classic culinary spices—cumin, coriander, and fennel—this tea aids in the absorption of nutrients and stimulates the lymphatic system.

Let’s look at the ingredients to understand the power of this tea...

Benefits of Cumin, Coriander and Fennel

  • Stimulates agni (digestive fire)

  • Decreases gas

  • Helps with indigestion

  • Flushes out ama (toxic waste)

  • Relieves congestion

  • Contains antioxidants and iron

  • Soothes inflamed mucous membranes

  • Improves elimination

  • Improves digestion

  • Relieves gas

  • Increases digestion and absorption

  • Treats intestinal disorders

  • Aids indigestion

  • Calms muscle spasms

  • Reduces inflammation—even shown to help with rheumatoid arthritis

  • One of the best herbs for strengthening agni without aggravating pitta

  • Stops cramping

  • Increases mental alertness

  • Promotes breast milk flow

  • Helps with IBS

  • Relaxes the digestive tract

  • Alleviates gas and indigestion

  • Increases the burning of fat

  • Moves lymph.

How to make CCF Tea:

½ teaspoon cumin seeds

½ teaspoon coriander seeds

½ teaspoon fennel seeds

4–5 cups water

Heat the water in a stainless steel pot over high heat. Add the seeds. Allow the tea to boil for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the preferred strength. Strain out the seeds, place in an insulated thermos, and sip throughout the day.

If you get into the habit of making this tea daily, here are two CCF pro hacks:

  • Scoop half a teaspoon of each seed into each compartment of a seven-day pill organizer, so your seeds are premixed for the week.

  • Add half a cup of cumin, half a cup of coriander, and half a cup of fennel to a glass jar and shake well to mix. Each morning, simply add 1 ½ teaspoons of the blend to the hot water. 

  • Or purchase CCF TEA blend HERE and each morning, simply add 1 ½ teaspoons of the blend to the hot water, keep in thermos and sip all day long. 

This may seem like a no-brainer, but this tea should be consumed hot. Cold creates constriction, while heat opens up the blood vessels. The ultimate goal is to increase blood circulation in the digestive system, so that everything is working at full capacity.


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